Lenten Reflection for Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Let Us Remember, We Are in the Holy Presence of God:

PRAYER:  Most high and glorious God, lighten the darkness of our hearts and give us sound faith, firm hope and perfect love. Let us have the right feelings and knowledge, so that we may carry out the tasks you have given us in truth. Amen.

REFLECTION: Today, we celebrate the solemnity of Saint Joseph who was shaped by God’s purposes. Obediently, he listened to the message of the Angel, at the time and moment when he decided to quietly divorce Mary. His relationship with himself, with Mary, with the child Jesus, and with God, teaches us the following:

  1. Self-Awareness: Joseph was a righteous man and he knew it; faithful husband to Mary. Being a qualified carpenter, he knew very well how to plan and achieve the desired result. He understood the materials he worked with and the purpose of the final product. He knew his skills, and strengths in carrying out his diligent work.
  2. Self-Direction: Joseph knew when to back up when or start over, when things did not work out the according to his plan. He had to be humble and patient enough to admit that he had made an error, and it was time to set it right.
  3. Vision: Joseph worked for a goal greater than himself. By listening obediently to the voice of God and then shaping his life accordingly made him a saint and a wonderful model for us.
  4. Total Obedience: Joseph did not follow his own wishes. When he learned the purposes for which God called him, he sort to be always upright before God, and follow God’s will through and through.


  • Am I aware of my state before God-strengths, weaknesses, successes, failures, righteousness, sinfulness, etc.?
  • Do I value the gift of my career/professional development as a worthy gift from God, and use it to give glory to God’s, and transform the world?
  • When things don’t seem to work, do I sit back and give up, or do I rise and re-plan?
  • Is my vision geared toward selfish service to myself, or toward obedient and selfless service to God, others and self?




Lighting Our Way Through the Darkness of Lent

To the CBU Community:

Lent is a time of purification and preparation.  The Church recognizes it as the forty days between Ash Wednesday and Easter.  This period helps prepare us for the final moments of Christ’s ministry, His betrayal, death, and resurrection.  Throughout Lent, many Christians decide to abstain from a luxury, a sweet food, or another vice.  One of the most common is to forgo meat on Fridays during Lent as a physical reminder of Christ’s sacrifice.

As we travel throughout this season, the Campus Ministry Team invites you to join us on this journey.  Members of our team, and occasionally other members of the CBU community, will post daily reflections for you.  These reflections are meant to encourage and guide you.  If you feel so inclined, you are welcome to respond to the post by e-mailing cbuministry@cbu.edu.


“Lord help me to learn from my restlessness, self will and despair, for I am truly safe in YOU”

  • There are 2 realities to which we must cling.God promised we will receive the love we search for and second God is faithful to that promise.
  • We spend much of our time running about and searching for what? The love we desire is there for you in God.

Let your heart be still, be open and He will enter bringing you to the start of trusting in Him, the provider of the ultimate love.  Home is where you are truly safe.  It is where you can receive what you truly desire.  As you come to stay in constant dialogue with God, you will find the love that will bring rest to your heart.

“But I trust in you, oh Lord; I say, “You are my God”  God is your home.